How To Refer To Us

Patient visiting psychiatrist doctor for examination
Emotional Support
Medicine and health care concept Parkinson and alzheimer female patient
Developing Life Skills
Psychologist taking down notes during therapy session with female patient. Psychotherapist with clipboard and woman patient sitting in background.
Promoting Independence

Care Homes & Floating Support Services

In order to refer someone to one of our care homes or to our floating support service you will need to supply the following documentation:

  • Your clients’ latest CPA plan.
  • An up-to-date risk chronology and risk formulations.
  • A discharge summary and/or tribunal report.
  • A report that provides further background information about each person’s history, vulnerability and level of functioning.
Who to contact

Please send this documentation to and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Once a referral has been received we will endeavour to carry out an assessment within a short time frame. When someone is being considered for one of our residential homes we like to be involved in agreeing any conditions of discharge that are being considered and we will usually recommend that potential residents first visit the home and that they then undertake a staged transition process to that home if they agree to move in.

Impartiality and recommendations

While we may make recommendations that a client could be placed at one of Moreways Healthcare's care homes, where this may be appropriate, we will maintain impartiality when it comes to recommending care providers. We will always provide reommendations based on what services our assessors judge the most appropriate for the wellbeing of the client.

What we require to carry out assessments

A clients’ most recent CPA report. Details of any CTOs and MoJ restriction orders. A full and up-to-date risk assessment.

Assessment Service

Professional assessments

We have been carrying out mental health assessments since 2005. Our staff have in-depth experience of working with clients with the full range of diagnoses and needs associated with forensic backgrounds and long term institutionalisation. Assessments are conducted by senior staff who make recommendations based on extensive knowledge of the mental health and criminal justice systems, as well as their own experience in working with this vulnearble client group.

Community Care Assessments for CCGs, NHS Trusts and local authorities

Every time Moreways Healthcare receives a referral we will carry out a strengths based assessment of the person’s needs, to ascertain their suitability for our various homes and services.  We have a team of assessment professionals who meet people who are referred to us, ascertain their needs and write a report indicating what care plan we would put in place to support their recovery. The fee for this assessment will be returnable upon the person commencing a service with Moreways Healthcare.

Community Care Assessments for Independent Professionals

Moreways Healthcare offers solicitors, other independent professionals and their clients an efficient and professional assessment service. The assessment determines what level of care such a client will require. If we can meet an independent professionals client’s needs within one of our services we will make a recommendation for this service and offer to help to set the referral process in motion. If we cannot meet such a client’s needs we will give detailed feedback and advice as to what may need to happen in order for the client to be ready to begin receiving our services.

Flexibility and efficiency

We offer a flexible assessment service, ensuring that we meet clients as soon as possible in a location that they are comfortable with.

Assessment reports

We will deliver a comprehensive report within 5 working days of the assessment being carried out.

Who is eligible?

We accept people with a primary diagnosis of severe and enduring mental illness, or an offending history, who may have complex needs such as personality disorder and who may have been treated in a secure psychiatric hospital and  have challenging behaviours.

People are referred to us by CCGs (Clinical Commissioning Groups), their local NHS Trust, or the Local Authority. In principle we accept all referrals that meet the criteria that we have developed in order to run our services to the maximum benefit of those who use them. However we maintain the right to:

  • Refuse people who in our assessment are not appropriate or not yet ready for our services – if we do not accept a referral we will provide feedback as to why our services are not appropriate or to advise as to what next steps may need to take place before a person can be accepted into one of our services.
  • Evict people who breach the terms of their tenancy or license agreement with us. In this eventuality the situation will be closely managed in partnership with a person’s care team.

Head Office Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 9.00 – 18.00

Saturday 11:00 – 14.00

Our Specialists Timetable

All our staff are friendly and happy to help


0333 016 5288

Contact us now to discuss referrals.


Learn more how we're transforming healthcare industry.

People Say

Moreways Healthcare is not like anywhere I've seen. They prioritise my sons needs and work in ways which we agree are best.
Sarah Smith

Developing Life Skills

We promote independence through our community services.